Swallow Yachts Forum > Home Builders' Area

Not a Swallowboat, but still a nice one

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Michael Rogers:
My experience, with both my kit builds, was that the painting etc took at least twice as long as I expected. But it's worth the effort. I also remember that it doesn't help to have to do it through the dark hours of winter.

VERY well done, Julian, she looks lovely!

Julian Swindell:
The hull is finished! I have even managed to scratch her a couple of times already moving her around the shed. About six months all told. But still to make the mast and spars. The sail is on order and should arrive sometime soon.

David Hudson:
I am sure many of think about it but few have the gumption and skill to actually do.

Beautiful workmanship Julian.

Best wishes for Christmas

Julian Swindell:
Sail by Cormorant Sails, spars in bamboo, which probably need to be shortened. Just need a trailer and some warm weather to launch her.

Looks like a proper job Julian. I'm green with jealousy!
Yes, roll on some decent sailing weather. (You'd think with all the political hot air being generated  on both sides of the Atlantic we should get some warm air soon?) 


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