Any Storm 17 Kits still under construction out there?

Started by Chris Capener, 11 Sep 2015, 04:32

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Chris Capener

Hi ,

I have left my Storm 17 half built in the UK while I have been away working in Malaysia for the last three years, I am hoping to get back next summer to finish the job, just wondering any other kits still out there waiting to be finished?



Edwin Davies 2

Is it one of those with water ballast?  It really does work well.

Chris Capener

Hi Edwin,

No it isn't a kit with specific provision for water ballast, I have read a few posts on this and it seems to be a question of speed versus stability.  DO you have a Storm 17 with water ballast? How is the water ballast achieved, any tricky modifications?


Edwin Davies 2

I don't have the build instructions as the boat was built by Steve Jones.  I get water in by undoing a screw bung in the skin. Access is through a round hatch.  To empty I can undo two screw bungs to let the water drain into a well in the floor it can then be pumped out of the boat.
I will do some measuring and photography when the cover comes off next.  I have just painted the inside of the boat.  There are two air vents at the bow end to ensure the water can fill properly.

If you search the forum for S17 water ballast you will find a post of mine showing the change in water line with ballast in and out.  Very obvious at the bilge runner level.

Chris Capener

Hi Edwin - thanks for the info and for pointing me to the previous posts :)

Look forward to seeing your photos




Hi Chris

I have an un ballasted Storm 17 and find her very stable if sailed sensibly. Part of being 'sensible' is having the right amount of sail up. If I were buying new again I would ask Swallow Boats (Yachts!) to put an extra reefing point in the main / gunter spar and  I would also consider a double block at the top of the mast to take a second main halyard - which makes reefing under way much easier. (A Steve Jones invention). If I ever have to get a new mast  made I would opt for this extra block - unfortunately it can't really be retro fitted.

As it is I manage fine with one halyard and one reefing point and (touch wood) have not had a capsize in all the time I have had her - since 2006.

Hope this helps


Gareth Rowlands
Gwennol Teifi S17

Chris Capener

Hi Gareth,

Thanks for your post , I'll research the suggestions you made. :)

