Author Topic: Cleaning the hull and decks  (Read 2878 times)

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Colin Morley

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Cleaning the hull and decks
« on: 30 Jan 2016, 10:10 »
Hi you experienced boat owners I would be grateful for some advice.
My boat is now about 4 years old and in need of a bit of TCL. So I have cleaned and revanished all the spars. For your interest, after some sanding Oxalic acid bought straight, not in some expensive product, is very good for removing stains from wood. Well pine really were it worked well but it is not so effective on hardwoods. I used Cetol filter 7 HLS plus for the first coat because It said i should but I dont know whether I really needed it. Then I applied 5 coats of Cetol Filter 7 colour pine and even the wife said it looked really good. The next problem was a large box of bits of hard wear and rope had to be replaced. It is amazing how difficult it is to remember where it all goes. TIP - take a photo of everything before you take it off.
So now I need to sand, clean and revarnish the rubbing strake and gunwale with Cetol Filter 7 colour teak.
What I want advice on is what is the best and most efficient way to clean , restore and polish the hull? Do I need a buffing tool or should I just do it by hand. There is all sorts of complicated advice on the internet but I would appreciate your personal experiences of what to do and in particular what not to do.
BR James Caird


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Re: Cleaning the hull and decks
« Reply #1 on: 31 Jan 2016, 22:21 »
I am first yr owner of a BRe so no expert and was asking similar questions last year. See "Scratches in Gelcoat" post in general section. With regards the rubbing strake and gunwale I found insulating tape good enough for protecting the hull whilst I hand rubbed down carefully!
The one question I could get no clear steer on was when a scratch was deep enough to need filling. What did come across was that if you are filling, getting the colour match right can be a challenge.
BRe "Escape"