Bre Cabin

Started by Peter Belgium, 03 Dec 2017, 15:19

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Peter Belgium

Does annyone know about the measurements of the BRE cabin?...length height width, Is it comfortabele to sleep,can you sit  without touching your head?


Hi Peter

Here's a thread here about the length of the berths if that's what your after?

I'll try and measure the headroom next weekend, are there any particular dimensions you're interested in?


Peter Belgium

Thanks Charlie ,
for the fast reply,my wife and I we are both under 6ft,so there is more than enough room to sleep,that's ok.I nowhere found any picture of people sitting in the cabin of the Bre ?I just wanted to know what space you have sitting face front,in the cabin, aside  the entrance.(space between cussions and roof).Thank you ;D

Barry C

Peter, I asked some of the same questions before I ordered a BRe recently.  Lara Marsh at Swallow sent some helpful answers and photos.  Here's the gist:

"Up fore in the vee you will see that there are removable infill boards that are placed down onto the cabin floor in between the vee (which is slightly raised to accommodate the buoyancy system) and the seats that are either side of the centreboard case, just inside the companionway to bring the floor of the cabin level."

"I attach a photo of these moulded seats, but please bear in mind this is literally just a bare hull moulding that we haven't started on yet, and is in no way a finished boat!  The sitting headroom if you're using the cabin without cushions and infill boards, and are sitting on the little seats, is 40 inches, so the cabin is comfortable for someone up to about 6ft 3ins to sit in.  With cushions and infill boards you would be sitting with your legs out in front of you (or laying down to sleep) and the headroom would be about 39 inches, as the cushions are 3 inches thick, but obviously squash down when sitting on them."

I'll attempt to attach Lara's photos as well.


Barry C
BRe #72 "Velella"

Nicky R

Hi Peter

We have spent a few nights on board our Bre. I'm 5'11 and Mark's slightly shorter but there's plenty of room for the 2 of us to sleep. Now our daughter's bigger, we now have a cockpit tent and sleeping slats, as it's definitely too cosy for 3. We have all the cabin cushions in Andy leave them there all the time. I can sit up right at the back of the cabin without my head touching the ceiling, but couldn't do that if I was sitting much further forward.

I hope that helps.

Bay Cruiser 23 #080 Sulis
Ex BRe #001 Grace