Swallow Yachts Forum > Technical

Excellent: Foam Brushes


I have tried out using a foam brush (while conventional brushes have bristles, foam brushes have a wedge-profile piece of foam plastic) to apply wood protection on the hardwood and softwood surfaces.
Excellent! No more splashes or spray droplets, perfect contour control, and excellent capacity and saturation. Much better than the old brushes, and much quicker too.

Highly recommended. I was using a 'RedTree' (U.S.) brand brush, but there should be UK foam brushes available too.

If this is old news, sorry.

Gordon Griffiths:
I've also used them, but for varnish (Epiphanes). Excellent, but I felt they lacked the fine control for finishing and getting into tight spots that you get with a bristle brush. However, I was very happy with the final result and the ease of use.

you are very right with your observations concerning the use of foam brushes for varnishing. Foam brushes are "not recommended for lacquer" as is imprinted on my US product.
Luckily, I do not varnish the wooden parts of my boats.


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