Swallow Yachts Forum > Technical

Trailering with net.


The trailering season is in full swing.

Last summer we tried trailering our SeaRaider with the cover on down to France, a 900 miles journey. But the thing started to flutter and to rub and to damage itself. Trailering speed in France is up to 75 Mph. So we had to take the cover off, which also meant we had to secure or take anything out of the boat which may have been sucked out by the airstream, quite a lot of stuff.

This year we travel better prepared. I am now using a net over the boat while trailering. It is one of those heavy nets one uses for open car trailers, to keep the contents of the trailer in.
Works wonderfully. No fluttering and still nothing can be blown out of the boat, apparently the net itself also calms the airflow inside the open boat cockpit a lot. Sure, potential thieves can look in through the net, but better that than they slice a tarpaulin cover open to have a peep.
A recommendation.

Took a photo of the netted boat, ready for our trip to Brest.:

Graham W:
Not cheap, but if your Bayraider has a rubbing strake and fittings for mooring cover, this net from nets4you.com fits perfectly over the whole of the cockpit:

4m X 2.5m Knotless Heavy Duty Cargo Net with Bungee Cord


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