Inappropriate Facebook posts

Started by Graham W, 17 Apr 2022, 15:36

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Graham W

Despite assurances that this would not be allowed to happen, there seem to be an increasing number of technical-type queries on the Swallow Yachts Association Facebook page.  This is in breach of rules 2 and 3 of that page.  As far as I can tell, being a conscientious objector to Facebook of long standing and not having full access to any replies, there have not been any comments that such queries are inappropriate.

Julian Merson

Thanks for raising this, Graham. 
I can't speak for Jonathan, but within reason the FB page has never felt like a place requiring heavy censorship.  I will continue to encourage people to take over to the forum any technical discussions which show the potential to grow into something of sufficient depth and interest.
Of the very few questions of a technical nature, these continue to be monitored.  Where a photograph accompanies a question, it makes sense to allow any brief discussion to pass - such as was the case a few days ago, where someone wanted to identify a piece of rigging on their new (to them) boat.  It felt like this worked particularly well on FB - better than on the forum, where photos are less immediately accessible. If a discussion grew into something of a nature which was likely to enhance the forum, I would be happy to copy the conversation, to that point, over to the forum into an appropriate, or new thread. It would be fair to say that anything of this nature is yet to emerge and most questions - such as 'which insurer...?' -  have been well documented in previous forum discussions.
I made the mistake, in the early days of the group, of suggesting a discussion was moved over to the forum, the impact of which was that the discussion abruptly stopped.  It doesn't make sense to wield an axe where we want people to participate freely.  Perhaps it is just my job to ensure things that are of long term interest on the forum are copied across.
It's particularly pleasant to see, now the season is under way, that the FB page is filling up with lots of interesting anecdotal pictures of people's boating activities.
Deben Lugger 'Daisy IV'

Ex BC20 'Daisy III'.
Ex Drascombe Coaster 'Daisy II'
Ex Devon Lugger 'Daisy'

Graham W

From July 2020:
"This forum is fortified by the ability to look up virtually any Swallow topic under the sun (they've all been covered) using the excellent search facility. Random jottings on social media simply don't cut it in the same way.  But each to his own and I'm sure that Mr Zuckerberg will be very grateful."

Meanwhile, in a warning of the dangers of relying on Facebook to communicate, it seems that 10+ years of Drascombe Association postings has been removed by Facebook moderators.  I'm not sure why or how this is even possible.  Is this The People's Front of Judea vs The Judean People's Front all over again?

Julian Merson

I'm not completely sure what happened over on the Drascombe page on FB.  But, its very sad demise, I think, has much to do with the fact that it was never a Drascombe Association page, simply a Drascombe page which was set up run entirely independently.  The fact that the Drascombe association did not get its act together and create a group meant that it was always in a difficult place.  You can now see that there are two separate 'Drascombe' pages - pointless, but further evidence of the various factions that exist over there.
That was exactly my reasoning for suggesting the SB association got a FB page going, so that 'we' had ownership, and people like you could complain if its content harmed this forum and we could then control the group as needed.
Deben Lugger 'Daisy IV'

Ex BC20 'Daisy III'.
Ex Drascombe Coaster 'Daisy II'
Ex Devon Lugger 'Daisy'

Jonathan Stuart

I think any admin can delete historical posts on FB. There was recently an unauthorised rave on MoD land near where I live  - it was actually relatively armeless and quierter and with less impact than either the MoD or a local authorised festival. There was much chat about the rave on a local residents' FB group. Two days after teh rave the admin deleted all the posts on the basis it was time to move on. Editing history to remove things she didn't like. That irritated me and I would hate to think the same could happen on the SYA group. Rest assured Julian and I won't do that. I will check if it'd possibe to prevent one admin from purging history. If anyone knows then please post here.

Re technical posts, I agree with what Julian said above. The majority of posts are about recent sails and launches, etc, and are well suited to FB. I err on the side of not rejecting anything and will allow a simple techical question but am also mindful (and this topic is a reminder to be so) of not allowing the FB group to destract from the forum. If anyone disagrees with a FB post then please message me.

Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Julian Merson

The issue over on the Drascombe page was not down to the group admin, but seems to have been a 'someone' else who convinced FB of the need to take the group down.
As admin, I have no intention of purging anything.  If anyone doubts that, then I will happily throw in the towel.
Deben Lugger 'Daisy IV'

Ex BC20 'Daisy III'.
Ex Drascombe Coaster 'Daisy II'
Ex Devon Lugger 'Daisy'

Sea Simon

Nothing to do with the long term Honnor Marine v Churchhouse Boats squabble then? I do hope not.

IMO this issue is a useful warning of the dangers potentially awaiting us...
BRe # 52 - "Two Sisters"  2016. Plank sprit, conventional jib. Asym spinn. Coppercoat. Honda 5. SOLD Nov 2022....
...From Oct 22.
BC 26 #1001. "Two Sisters 2", 2013. Alloy spars, Bermudan Sloop; fixed twin spade rudders, Beta diesel saildrive. Lift keel with lead bulb. Coppercoat. Cornwall UK.