Swallow Yachts Forum > Technical

Rowing seat for a BR20


Henry H:

Our boat doesn't have a seat, and rowing it singlehanded without one has proven to be tricky! It seems silly to have oars and rowlocks fitted without being able to take full advantage of them.

So, while the boat is still in maintenance mode, i'm thinking of knocking one together.

Does anyone have any photos of their rowing seat to share? Or some critical dimensions?



Should be easy to make one as there is not much to it other than careful positioning of the two chocks underneth to wedge the seat in place in between port and starboard lockers. Mine is well buried at the moment undr winter tarpaulins, so can't give you measuremnts but you may find the yard would give you measurements if you ask them? If it ever stops raining and I get the covers off I can measure mone up for you, but heaven konws when that will be!


Gareth Rowlands
GRP BR20 Halen Y Mor

Graham W:
There’s a partial view of the yard’s standard rowing bench here https://www.swallowyachtsassociation.org/smf/index.php/topic,259.msg779.html#msg779.

Henry H:
great! thanks all :-)

p.s. Velcro! Whoda thoughtit!


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