Panel at front of cockpit

Started by richard_drolet, 10 Apr 2024, 21:36

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I'm intrigued by the semi-mobile panel that covers the cockpit from the centerboard well forward on my recently purchased Bayraider 20. I've seen photos of other bayraiders where they have been removed. Does it serve a purpose other than protecting the gear your store underneath it ?

I've tried removing one of the wooden blocks that hold it in place. However, once the two screws are removed, it won't budge. Is it glued or is there some other fastener that I can't see ?

Thanks for your insights

Graham W


Congratulations on your purchase.

The aft edge of the white GRP panel that you mention makes the seat for an optional second rowing position, as used in sail & oar raids - see the first photo, attached.  I think this was taken during the Loch Ness Challenge, which is supposed to be a sailing race except when there isn't any wind.  That's probably the year when we rowed most of the length of the loch and 2/3 of the way back again - about 30 miles.

When solo, I prefer rowing from the front rather than from the standard midships position further back.  The white panel also allows for extra and uninterrupted stowage space at bench height under the foredeck and protects the house battery, if fitted on the cockpit sole, from the rain and prying eyes.  With the addition of extra panels aft, as in the second photo, it makes the base of a large bed for dinghy cruising.

As you seem to have already discovered, a one-piece panel attached at the front is a bit of a faff, particularly if you want to access things stowed underneath.  I've made my panel more useful by replacing it with a plywood version with a hinged central portion (photo 3) that allows much easier access.  I keep a Fortress anchor under there, ready for speedy deployment. 

I'm fairly sure that the wooden blocks that you mention are glued to the GRP with tenacious Sikaflex or similar.  As the blocks are fairly small and out of the way, far under the front of the foredeck, why do you want to remove them?


Thanks for the info. I am refreshing the varnish on the woodwork and I want to remove the panel to have better access.

Graham W

So your panel is permanently fixed at the front end?  I can see why you would need to release it and I thought that there was some way of doing this without removing the wooden blocks.  On my boat, the port side retaining block can be pivoted to one side, releasing that side of the panel and thus allowing its complete removal.  Perhaps this is a later modification.