Swallow Yachts Forum > For Sale and Wanted

Australian BR20 for sale


Due to the distance this will only be useful to Australian buyers.

After a camping trip in a high tidal area I decided that for solo sailing where I need to bring to boat up a beach that the BR20 is too big for me to handle, though its fine on the water, and I will downsize to a BR17.  Therefore my BR20 is up for sale.

This is a quality build epoxy ply boat built by Denman Marine in September 2010. It is still in excellent condition and has the following extras:
Full spinnaker setup (as yet not used by me)
Spray hood
Celery Top timber seating
2.3HP Honda outboard (1 year old with a 5 year warranty)
Anchor, 10M chain and 50M rope
2 x  9’6” oars
Rubbing stake and full stainless steel runners underneath
Canvas sail bag which also holds the oars, mizzen and boom.
Separate sail bag for the jib
Registered trailer

To buy new the boat is over $50,000 and I am selling it for $43,000 (AUD)

I forgot to add some contact details. I can be reached at dhwhyte55@gmail.com


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