S17 build pics

Started by Clem Freeman, 30 Sep 2011, 16:49

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Clem Freeman

Thought I would try posting a couple of pictures of how things are going.

Clem Freeman

Another one.

Steve Joyce

there you go Clem.  You don't need luck,  just patience,  hard work,  and a bit of sunshine helps.

It's look really great.
Storm 15 "Robin"

Chris Capener

Well done - it looks very good, I think my S17 build is about 2 weeks behind the stage shown in your pics. I am working with my S17 on a lower frame off the floor - are you working with yours on the trailer now?

I'll post some pictures so mine soon.



Clem Freeman


I've been working with it on the trailer so I can pull it in and out of the garage when the weather is suitable. It gives so much more room around it to work. It's now off the trailer and upside down so I could fit the center board and rub down the hull and paint. On the subject of the hull, how smooth does everyone get there bottom? Considering its going to spend most of its life out of site and covered with green of one sort or another do you think its worth the effort to get the sort of finish you would expect on a car.


Chris Capener


It looks great on the trailer, I'm further behoind your build than I thought - I am shaping the second outer gunwhale at the moment.

I guess the finish on the hull is up to each builder but I think it is worth the effort , a good smooth finish will give a great paint job and look great in the pictures! Plus it should go faster!

From reading previous threads I understand that I will need a bit of patience to get it right. I have already had to replace my random orbital sander once.

Any tips for fitting the seat sides? Did you have to drill and tie with cable ties? I don't really want to put any more holes in my hull.


PS Decided on your colour scheme yet?

Clem Freeman


I used old car batteries to hold the sides in place whilst the resin tacks set. I appreciate that not everyone has access to these ( my father in law used to run a small battery manufacturers/repair workshop, did a lot of work for the local cockle boats) but they are very handy being quite weighty lumps. The seat sides pretty much hold thereselves in place.


Steve Joyce

Hi Clem,  how is the build going.  Hope to see some updated pics soon.
We expect to get out on our S15 soon as the weather seems to be picking up. 
Biggest problem I found when sanding the hull was the noise.  I suppose its the thin ply which tends to resonate a lot.
Storm 15 "Robin"

Clem Freeman


Not done much lately as its to cold for the epoxy to set in my unheated garage. Theres not to much left to do though. I didn't pre coat the hull panels so they need a coating of epoxy, rub down and paint. Then theres the masts to do (I can't think of a way to sneak them into the house to glue up). After that its just all the fittings and away we go. If I can get stuck in I'm hoping to finish it within a couple of weeks once the temperature improves. I've regestered for Seafair Haven 2012 so I need to finish by June at the latest.

Clem Freeman

Thanks to othe sudden increase in temperature, 19C in the garage and not expected to drop below 10C tonight, Ive managed to fit the bilge runners and coat the rest of the exterior of the hull. Hopefully not to long before the paint comes out.

Steve Joyce

Hope the weather continues to improve.  Robin has been sat on his trailer since our test sail at the end of november.  Must say that the supplied cover has done its job.  I used the main mast, with support on the centreboard case to stop it sagging, to hold the centre of the cover up and let the rain / snow drop off.
Planning to take it up to Coniston or Windermere in a couple of weeks with my brother to do some capsize tests. Hopefully will get to post some good action pictures.
Hope the painting goes well. I think I was in too much of a hurry,  but will be doing another coat before too long so should improve.
Storm 15 "Robin"

Clem Freeman

CAPSIZE TESTS!  A tad on the cold side at this time of year for me. I'm hoping to get a decent paint finish first time but if not I'll probably live with it and redo it after this years sailing.

Steve Joyce

Yes it will probably be a touch parky,  but I need to convice my wife that first it shouldn't just fall over every time there is a breath of wind,  and,  if it does,  I can get it back upright and get back on board.
Storm 15 "Robin"

Clem Freeman

Just about finished, waiting for some decent weather so I can rig her. I think I've fitted everything possible so shouldn't be to much work. Then its off down to the river, tides permitting.

Clem Freeman

Managed to get the jib rigged today and then the rain started. Just got to work out this sail lacing, the instructions don't seem to mention how you secure the ends.