
Started by Simon Holden, 11 Mar 2012, 22:29

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Simon Holden

.....just in case anyone is about to fit their floorboards....
Never keen on drilling more holes in the hull of my S17 than absolutely necessary, when it came to fitting the floorboards, I figured there must be a screwless solution!
I cut lengths of scrap and clamped them to the gunwales. I then cut shorter pieces of scrap and used them to apply constant, even pressure to the floorboards while the epoxy set.
Worked well for me and no filling!
Storm 17 'Olivia Eva'

Clem Freeman

Wish I'd thought of that, It seems you spend most of the time drilling holes through the hull and then filling them up again! At least I'm now at the point where all the drilling is done apart ffrom for the fittings.

Michael Rogers

These are presumably permanent (ie non-removable) floor boards? It's interesting (well, it interests me!) that the Trouper 12 was designed with removable floor boards which have disappeared during design evolution. Much better without, I'd say. The T12's bottom is wide and fairly flat so, as well as glass-clothing the bottom outside (with 200 gm cloth), i've done the same inside but with 100 gm cloth. My thinking was influenced by the relatively recent acquisition of a largish dog (a retrievador) who will be additional crew in due course, and I thought some anti-scrabble protection might be in order (hence also two-pack paint - fairly soon now). Encouraged by how well it's turned out, I plan to do the decks as well: that's a job just coming up.

Michael  (Trouper 12 in build)

steve jones



steve jones

I could not add text to the previous snap, I do not know how to alter the photo format. I prefer loose bottom boards, having previously added them to an S17 that had water ballast, which created a V well aft. This allowed a flat surface, and since I am at the 4score years and 10 helped with the Zimmer frame.

I like the idea that any water sloshing about back to the outboard well drain does not splash my slippers.

Steve Jones

BR17 ( about 2 months )

Nona Me


H, Steve.
4 score years and ten?
You look pretty good on it - if you aint hegzageratin !

I, too, prefer slatted floors. I have them on Four Sisters - which is not self draining - so I can see how much it rains in the night.
I have a couple of issues with'em. If they are in one piece you have nowhere to stand when you want to retrieve anything that has fallen through - that is you cant lift 'em if you are stood on 'em. (Making the gaps wide enough to get your hand through is one option, the other is to tack some fine netting on the underside.) The other thing is that if you trail long distances they tend to wear through the paintwork - if you forget to pad them in some way. I used to be annoyed at the way the main sheet stopper knot could easily fall through but would not pull out again for love nor money. I solved that one by making the stopper knot the size of a tennis ball!
The BR17 is looking pretty good, too. Will you both be ready for Milford Haven?
Tony:   CBL#1 "Four Sisters"


Sorry, Simon.

Forgot to say - BRILLIANT !

No drill, no fill.  Proper job done!

That is the sort of practical tip a mug like me would never have come up with in a  million posts. If you have any more like that which you haven't taken a patent out on yet, please pass them on, even if (especially if) you think them too simple or obvious to be worth a mention.
Tony:   CBL#1 "Four Sisters"

steve jones

Hello Tony,

I am by a month or so !
What I do suffer from is a touch of Luditeism though, all this talk of booktwitface worries me.
I would say AVOID ASSOCIATIONS  with any kind of committee.

My bottom boards are removable and lock in place quite well, I have not tried them at sea or road yet.

I hope to be ready for SEAFARE, but have registerd a coupls of boats as standby.

Hope to see you on the water


steve jones

Quote from: Tony on 14 Mar 2012, 20:51
H, Steve.
4 score years and ten?
You look pretty good on it - if you aint hegzageratin !

Yes I was hegzageratin, I can only think that in poking the 3 key, I acted more in the 4 key mode


Chris Capener

Very nice Simon! I am wiring in my seat panels at the moment.

Chris C S17

Simon Holden

Carrying on the floorboard theme - advice please!

The 'official' line is to leave the floorboards on an S17 untreated but I'm worried they're going to rot.

Does anyone have any advice? - I'm thinking of teak oil or something similar. Obviously nothing that's going to make them slippery.


Storm 17 'Olivia Eva'

Clem Freeman

I decided on coating with resin and then painted them with a non-slip additive added.