Rutland Water 2013 Rally 6/4/2013-7/4/2013

Started by Peter Cockerton, 31 Oct 2012, 16:19

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Peter Cockerton

Myself and Andy Dingle regularily sail at Rutland Water which although being a reservoir is still interesting to sail as it's not the traditional "large pond" shape. The water authority at Whitwell provides heated changing and showering facilities and and excellent pontoon and slip faciliites. Several safety boats are always on hand to help if required. The authority allows day launching with around a £15.00 fee per day, pontoon facilities to leave your boat on the water overnight (sleeping on board allowed) is also available for a small fee.

Camping facilities are available, not sure of details but we could investigate if asked.

Conditions vary, the creek which we launch in is normally always protected from the wind and often it's a slow sail or paddle to the main body of the water where we have both sailed in winds gusting 40 mph and 1 mtr waves.

We was thinking to suggest a second quarter 2013 date perhaps just a couple of days sailing together and perhaps a one evening for a meal.

Swallow Boats already has a good presence at Rutland 3 Bayraider 20 1 Bayraider 17 and a couple of weeks ago a brand spanking new Baycruiser.

If you are interested and have any proposals on dates which you would prefer for consideration please email me petercsailing "at"

Peter Cockerton

Bayraider 20 mk2
Larger jib set on bowsprit with AeroLuff spar
USA rig
Carbon Fibre main boom with sail stack pack
Epropulsion Spirit Plus Outboard

Jonathan Stuart


Sounds a great idea and I would be interested in joining this. I am easy on dates other than that I am still procrastinating on whether to do Sail Caledonia...


Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Robert Armstrong

Dear Peter,
   I own SoNik , the bayraider 17 at RSC on the south shore.
I would be interested.
Rob Armstrong

Simon Reeve


Hi! Using the Christmas hols to catch up on a number of things, including blog posts.
As the owner of the new Baycruiser 23, Anam Cara, kept at Whitwell Creek, Rutland, I would also be interested to join.

Having collected her from Swallow Boats end of September and delivered her to Whitwell late in the season, we have only managed to sail her 3 times since. Work and family commitments mean it is only about once a month I manage to get over to Rutland during the winter. I was hoping to go this weekend but the forecast of driving rain and gusting 40 knot winds would make it more endurance than pleasure sailing, especially for my teenage crew.  Consequently very much looking forward to the 2013 summer season.

If we could identify a date fairly soon, all the easier to keep it free. My availability in 2nd quarter 2013 is generally good except for the late May bank holiday which is already booked.

Simon Reeve

Peter Cockerton

Simon and all interested in Rutland 2013 Rally

Will talk to the people in the Whitwell centre at Rutland over the next couple of weeks to see if they have any dates we should avoid, other rallies, big meetings etc.

Still considering a two day Saturday and Sunday event with an overnight stay so we can chat over an evening meal if this is what most people want. I will see what accommodation is available locally and cost to help us decide, if too expensive then perhaps just a one day event would be better with lunch in a local hostelry, comments from interested members would be most appreciated.

I was at Whitwell on your boat delivery day and admired your new baby whilst you was booking in, had to leave to get back to the pontoon to get my Bayraider (Joybells) out of the way, when I got back you had gone. Just recently moved my boat behind yours, it's now next to the road so getting her in and out is much easier.

Myself and Andy Dingle have been sailing during December and very pleasant it was to, we are looking at going over next week if I can shift this flu/cold bug my kind grandson has gifted to me, here is my email address if you want us to let you know when we are ever going to Rutland you would be most welcome to sail on either one of our boats or we can crew for you petercsailing at I know Andy is seriously considering a BC23 and would appreciate talking to you and a nosey around your boat. The main cover you have put on is most impressive, what has the jib done to you to be ignored without a winter coat.

Bayraider 20 mk2
Larger jib set on bowsprit with AeroLuff spar
USA rig
Carbon Fibre main boom with sail stack pack
Epropulsion Spirit Plus Outboard

Peter Cockerton

Been out today with Andy on Rutland Water and what lovely sailing we had, sunshine, steady F3/4 and 11 degrees in January

Enquired about holding a small rally possibly early April and they would be delighted to see us.

Accommodation options

Sleep on boat against pontoon £16.00
Camping on site fees available from Whitwell Centre
Local pubs seem to start at £45.00 pp

So we need to decide

Is this a Weekend or Mid week meeting
What early April dates are preferable
Who definitely wants to attend

Please let me have your views ASAP so we can make this happen

Bayraider 20 mk2
Larger jib set on bowsprit with AeroLuff spar
USA rig
Carbon Fibre main boom with sail stack pack
Epropulsion Spirit Plus Outboard

Andy Dingle

.. And here's the proof! (Hopefully pictures attached).

Peter on the helm looking relaxed and nonchalant - not always the case when I'm in control! Included an artistic shot of the main that highlights the clear blue of the winter sky!
Shots taken as the wind began to die off in the afternoon.

We've managed to get in some great sailing through the winter months - driving rain, bitterly cold and winds usually about F5-6 (maybe the odd gust a tad more), but always been thoroughly enjoyable (really!) and well worth the effort. On more than one occasion we have been the only boat out amidst the speeding wind surfers. (Two reefs and full tanks).
Been marvelous in honing up skills and knowledge, also boosting confidence in the abilities of the BR20 - a boat that still surprises me with its seaworthiness after 4 years of ownership.

Not too mention boosting confidence in our own sailing abilities ...  (Sorry about that gybe, Peter. That'll take some living down! Would have capsized any lesser boat).

Are we the first to get out this year?!

Andy. BR20 'Psalter'

Rob Johnstone

Vagabond and I think this is a splendid idea. We could do with a bit of freshwater sailing before resuming our wanderings around Britain. She's off to Swallow Boats in February for a bit of R and R and should be fit by April. If it's a weekend "do", I'd probably bring her up on the Friday afternoon and stay on board overnight. Can you use petrol outboards on Rutland Water?
Rob J
Matt Newland designed but self built 15ft one off - "Lockdown". Ex BC23 #10 "Vagabond" and BC 23 # 54 "Riff Raff"

Andy Dingle

Sorry Rob - No petrol outboards on Rutland Water (only for the rescue RIBs). A lot of people use little electric outboards. The only problem you might have is getting out of the creek to the main body of water - put it down to a test of your sailing abilities! Or as is more usual - entertainment for onlookers!
Seriously though, it is not a problem at all, a bit of light wind tacking/gybing usually does the job. If your not familiar with the lake google maps thing should give you an idea of the layout of the lake and the creek (Whitwell, on the northern shore) to which I refer and where we will be gathering.

I would be very happy if you did make it as I would love to have a chat with you about how you cope single handing your BC23 - as opposed to what the maker will tell me! I am on the cusp of ordering one.
I currently have a 29 ft cruiser and am struggling with the usual constraints of crew, time, tide and weather - not to mention marina fee's etc. A beautiful yacht that I love so I really want to be very sure of what I'm doing before I change.
Same applies to any other BC23 owners who come along?

Dates? May I kick off with a suggestion of the weekend of 13th, 14th Apil? The easter rush at Rutland should have died down by then. If we can firm up a date then maybe ask Matt and any of his crew who can make it to come up too? (With a boat or two!).

Any further input re dates and attendees?


Rob Johnstone

14th and 15th are fine for me.

Rob J
Rob J
Matt Newland designed but self built 15ft one off - "Lockdown". Ex BC23 #10 "Vagabond" and BC 23 # 54 "Riff Raff"

Simon Reeve

Equally keen to support the rally but unfortunately 13/14 April doesn't work for me as I have to fly to Singapore on 14th for a major conference I am chairing Mon-Wed following week. I could do 6/7 or 20/21 April, 4/5/6 (bank hol) 11/12, or 18/19 May. How are these for others?

We managed to get over to Rutland today for a couple of hours easy sailing in light winds. We didn't have your blue sky Peter but still pleasant. First time I had sailed the BC23 without water ballast. She sailed very well, just like a large dinghy.

Andy, although still getting used to her, I am very pleased with the BC23 and you would be welcome to join me some time. It's likely to be 1st or 2nd weekend in Feb next time I can get over there. I only have one niggle so far and that is the reefing lines seem to jam easily both when letting out and taking in. It's a combination of the layout and the boom bag and probably just needs some experimentation. Matt is aware. When sailing for longer days In the Spring, I may try taking the boom bag off.

Peter, you'll be pleased to know I've now taken the jib down for the winter as I don't have a jib bag! I had left it up out of laziness and in the hope of more frequent sailing.
The cover came from Swallow boats. It's in 2 parts and is quite fiddly to get on evenly and close the gaps but seems to do the job reasonably well. When I get time I will make some recommendations to Matt for minor changes to assist, e.g. I have added some extra eyelets myself in key points and one or two bits could do with an extra couple of inches of material to aid overlap.

That's it from me. Happy sailing all!

Simon Reeve

Peter Cockerton

Any objections to 6/7 of April 2013 end of April and beginning of May out for me, Andy Dingle, Jonathon Stuart as we are doing Morbihan 2013.

Bayraider 20 mk2
Larger jib set on bowsprit with AeroLuff spar
USA rig
Carbon Fibre main boom with sail stack pack
Epropulsion Spirit Plus Outboard

Jonathan Stuart

Hopefully I'll also be able to join this, so for the reasons Peter just mentioned the 6th/7th is best for me with the 13th/14th a second preference.

Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Rob Johnstone

Re dates for Rutland water, 6/7, 13/14 or 20/21 April would be fine for me. After that I'm off to Sicily to keep the owners agent onside.

I agree with Simon about the singe line reefing in the BC 23: the friction on the lines is high, and the reefing has to be "assisted" by pulling the line at the outer end of the boom as well as the reefing line leading aft from the mast. It's maangeable, provided that you are not in a hurry!. The other aspect of the reefing lines is the tendenacy for them to garrotte the helmsman after the sail has been dropped into the lazyjacks. I overcome this with a bungy "sail tie" until I finally tidy up the sail in the cover.

Rob Johnstone
Rob J
Matt Newland designed but self built 15ft one off - "Lockdown". Ex BC23 #10 "Vagabond" and BC 23 # 54 "Riff Raff"

Peter Cockerton


Dates confirmed now which hopefully suit all that have declared an interest in attending.

Can I have interest declared in attending a meal on the Saturday night, somewhere local to the Whitwell centre, not expensive? I'm going to be booking somewhere to stay on the Saturday and first enquiries suggest under £50.00 for a good local pub that can provide bar snack or small restaurant as an option.

Please let me know ASAP as Saturday nights will get booked up quickly in this area.

Also if you have any suggestions on sailing activities/challenges for the weekend post them here, what about a timed man overboard recovery (danbouy or similar) under sail for example, anything else that you have seen done at previous rally's that was fun and challenging.

For non-sailors by the way numerous activities are available in the grounds, bikes can be hired for the very popular route around the lake, a huge climbing rope swing centre is within the grounds and the very picturesque Oakham is just a couple of miles away.
Bayraider 20 mk2
Larger jib set on bowsprit with AeroLuff spar
USA rig
Carbon Fibre main boom with sail stack pack
Epropulsion Spirit Plus Outboard