Forum Registration

Started by Jonathan Stuart, 18 Nov 2022, 11:06

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Jonathan Stuart

Hi @Graham W ,

Thanks for your help weeding out spammers and spam posts, etc. After today's forum upgrade I've enabled additional security that should stop "bots" and, hopefully, most spammers. We will still need to moderate posts from spammers that have accounts but haven't yet posted, but if that remains a problem then we could look at bulk deletion of old accounts that have never posted.


Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

David Hughes

I'm not a computer jockey by any sense of the imagination but one thought that I had; what about suspending all inactive members that haven't posted anything for 1-2 years (what ever timeframe that you think works) with a simple managed process to reactivate and after 5 years of inactivity, delete the accounts all together. They could always reactivate the account if they were a real person by requesting admission again.

Thank you for the work that you do managing this site.


Graham W

Around 600 names have never posted, about half of all registered members.  You don't have to register to view or search the forum contents, so if any of them are real humans and never intended to post, they needn't have bothered.

I think that never posting and having joined in, say, 2023 or before is a better criterion for cancellation than long-term dormancy.  That would remove over 500 names, including such luminaries as Igor#Starov[Ydluogosybepu and GubanjininsAk.  On the other hand, some of the early posts from now inactive members are still worth reading.  To take a random example, Matt N (89 posts) hasn't written anything on here since 2021!


Well, given the direction of all of this, I thought I better post not to be deleted. I have not previously found a reason to post, but have used personal messages and have registered our BRE MissChief on the boat register. We are getting to know our new boat and have found the forum very helpful.