Lake Bala Rally 15/16 June

Started by Graham W, 10 Mar 2013, 19:17

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Just Back from Bala......

We've obviously been talking to the wrong Druids as the weather was in a bit of a Laver on Saturday. I measured 25 knots on the pontoon so it was probably an F 7 out in the open.

Bayraiders in their element under jib and mizzen while "Four Sisters" and I skulked about on shore, sucking our teeth.  Just shows what a good boat the BR is.
On Sunday, however, winds had dropped to a three or four and even the tippy boats could come out to play. Mind you, some of us had to row by 4:00 pm, the wind only returning, briefly, as we approached the pontoons. ('Twas ever thus!)
Good to see some variations on the "out of the box" Bayraiders  and some non-Bayraiders, too. The most notable of which had to be Michael Rogers' "Cavatina", a home-built, Junk-rigged Trouper 12. Michael has made a fine job of her and has made a beautifully balanced rig that points a Damn site higher than it has any right to!  (Photo below. More later if I can make time.)

Personal thanks to Graham for getting the ball rolling again. Perhaps this should become an annual event or maybe it could be rotated around the country, Bala, Poole Harbour, Brancaster Staithes,  Ullswater, Oban....?
Perhaps, too, those with local knowledge would like to do some of the organisation or knock up a facts sheet  to share the load a bit......while making it clear that they are not responsible for any health and safety issues or other bureaucratic  legal  nonsense.
Thanks, too, to the nice people at the Bryntirion Inn for looking after us so well with Penderyn Single Malt Wysgi, ( Purple Moose beers ( and who could forget  "Our famous 'Bryn bara' filled with Welsh Black beef, mushroom and ale casserole £9.75"
Hmmm. Not sure they weren't trying to kill us with that one ... Talk about Mister Creosote !  A "waffer thin mint" would have certainly done the job.

Nice to see everyone. Let's do it again.
Tony:   CBL#1 "Four Sisters"

Steve Joyce

Looks like you all had a great time,  I was with you in spirit at least on Coniston Water, Sunday in Robin. Shame I was on my own though.

Would be quite keen on a gathering in the Lakes.
Storm 15 "Robin"

John & Isla Roberts

A big thank you to Graham for the organisation of the event. Everyone enjoyed themselves enormously.
I have taken a number of photos which I have put into a Picasa album together with those taken by Paul, the Safety Officer for BSC who was on duty that weekend. The link is here:
I hope that this method works as there are a large number of images to go through. If there are any which you fancy and would like the electronic version by email, just send me a request to:
I hope that we can all get together on Lake Bala next year and look forwards to seeing/hearing from you again.


Just had another look at Graham's video (checking out Titanic's Life boat).
It all looks very calm and controlled on those  BayRaiders, doesn't it,  but I can tell you that the weather was indeed Wagnerian that morning.
  An apt choice of soundtrack, I thought , but  more  "Apocalypse Now!"   than   "Der Ring des Nibelungen".

"Smell, that, Son? Smell that?  I love the smell of (Napalm) embrocation in the morning!  Smells like.....victory!"
(With apologies to Francis Ford Coppola and a nod to David's  "...old guys having fun" link. )
Tony:   CBL#1 "Four Sisters"

Michael Rogers

I can confirm Tony's comments on the weather at Bala on Day 1. Steep little waves with spray blowing off their crests, streaks of foam down the lake, and all the lakeside trees tossing about. Well done, the intrepid BR skippers and crew.

Day 2 started with a lovely F3-4, and before anyone else was on the water Cavatina and I had a great time prancing all over. The wind died away later, and was down to a whisper when Tony took his pic of Cavatina. Thanks for that and your kind remarks, Tony. I must say I was well pleased with the way Cavatina went to windward - in fact, with her performance overall.

Nothing else to say, except that I'm a bit concerned to see how much like the Ancient Mariner I seem to look these days.


Matthew P

Shaky video of sailing on Sunday at:

Includes at start and finish some of the very pretty smaller boats that ventured out on Sunday. Boats that wisely kept their distance from Gladys are sadly not included.  Features sailing muzac instead of Wagner but Tony can turn the sound off if it offends him.

"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter

Reg Barker

Thanks Graham, I had a wonderful time. I am now grateful that the weather was bad as it tested me and showed the capabilities of the BRe.  It also highlighted that I do need to do some tweaking to the rigging. (By the, way it also tested my friend / next door neighbour, Clive. Yes he's still speaking to me!)

That was an excellent film clip of our boats Ristie, Alice Amy, Turaco, Gladys.  When I gain more experience I will be taking on Ristie and redressing the balance.

The Inn was an excellent choice as food was very good and at a very reasonable price.

The Caledonian 2013 was excellent. as I have not commented on it yet. It's worthwhile for those who have not participated to have a crack at it.

It would be good to hold the Bala rally again but perhaps not on Father's Day. I would like to see a rally in the south of England such as Poole, or further southwest. But don't ask me to arrange it because I live in landlocked Herefordshire.

Thanks again to all those who were there and made it a great weekend. I do have some photos and I will need work how to place them in the forum gallery.
BRe #11 Alice Amy

Lyn Bodger

Thanks to Graham for organising a wonderful rally.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it for the Saturday, but Sunday's sailing was great fun,  particularly so during the morning's stronger winds. 

I've uploaded a photo of my Storm 15 "Gefion" onto the Bala gallery, just to prove that she was there with the big sisters.

Lyn Bodger
