No sailing today, perhaps

Started by Graham W, 23 Mar 2013, 10:13

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Graham W

A photo from deepest Shropshire

Michael Rogers

Thanks, Graham, you've soothed my frustration a teeny bit, in a way. We have no lying snow here in mid-Cheshire, just the odd flurry of flakes: but an icy wind, F2 - 4 gusting to 6, wind chill apparently taking it down to -5.  I came back from the morning dog walk my face stiff with the cold. The point being - today is the first day for sailing on Tatton Mere this year. I have my pristine 2013 sailing permit in my wallet, and I have cheered myself through the winter months thinking about today.  ...!!!....   Am I being a wimp not setting off? I HATE the idea of only being a 'fair weather sailor', but there are limits - aren't there?

WHY couldn't we have had a steady F3 - 4, perhaps 10-12 degrees and a smidgin of sun, just for starters??!!

I wonder how those toughies on Rutland Water have been getting on....


Andy Dingle

Not sure if you are referring to Peter C and myself as 'toughies' Michael !.
If so, this 'toughie' has not long crawled out of his nice warm snug berth!, then only because 'er indoors forced me out by turning off the telly so I can use my 4x4 to get through the snow to take her shopping.. (deep joy). Shame really as I was hoping for a good laugh watching her attempt to get her rear wheel drive BMW through the snow .... Ha!

A weather update from my garden, which seems to be the first landfall of a F5 North Easterly straight from the Arctic over the North Sea onto the Lincolnshire coast, windchill of about -5 I would guestimate - not that I've been outdoors yet to find out!

Am just beginning to feel a tad anxious about the Rutland meet which is only week after next.. But will be there come snow, rain, wind or if the weather Gods have a sudden rush to the head, even warm sunshine and a nice F4 sou'westerly ...

Something to look out as you're sitting in front of the fire thinking of summer sailing trips..

Saw it in PBO, not much use for anything practical but nice for planning and generally dreaming!

Andy and BR20 'Psalter' from under her blanket of snow...

Julian Swindell

What's wrong with being a fair weather sailor!? I have been a life long member of the fair weather sailor's club. We haven't met this year yet, for obvious reasons. Come to think of it, we didn't meet last year either... or the year before... or the (etc etc)
Julian Swindell
BayCruiser 20 Daisy Grace
Guillemot building blog


Hi, Andy

I like that Navionics WebApp!

With that in one window and Google Earth in another I could play for hours....
Beats pointless snow clearing, anyway.

Have you had a good look at the Golfe du Morbihan?

Tony:   CBL#1 "Four Sisters"

Terry Cross

We all must be wimps!
Son Paul and grandson Mathew left Worcester at 5.30 this morning to drive down to Weymouth.  They are attending a two-day pre assessment for an instructor's course in an unfamiliar dinghy and 22mph winds.
  Must be mad.

Michael. I should be joining you this season at Tatton Mere.

Terry Cross  "IONA" Storm 15

Andy Dingle


Yes, have been using the Navionics charts to study the Morbihan gulf, I've also bought the admiralty chart which is even more scary!. There appears to be an awful lot of rocks to dodge, somewhat disconcerting for an east coast mud hopper like me.

Re Google Earth and charts - I use quite a lot, which I think is excellent value (£25 for a lifetime subscription to nearly all charts in Europe, I say nearly because it appears that the French won't license them to use their charts!) but they now have a facility to overlay nautical charts on Google Earth, I understand that if you link up your GPS to your computer it will show your position and track directly onto the chart/google earth combination. I've not actually used it yet but I will certainly explore this in the near future.
Good stuff.

Incidentally VisitMyHarbour now also gives tide tables and tidal atlas .. very useful.

Talking of interesting web sites.. Have you (and others) seen Dylan Winters excellent site

He is circumnavigating Britain very slowly but exploring virtually every river, creek and estuary en route, as he is a professional cameraman he is making some excellent video clips of his journeys which are on his website, which for a very nominal fee you can subscribe to and download or purchase his DVD's - some excellent sailing porn!

I had the pleasure of meeting him at Gibralter Point a couple of years ago. A very interesting, self effacing man and a true sailor.


Rob Johnstone

I was wondering if we would have to navigate through ice floes at Rutland!
Rob J
Matt Newland designed but self built 15ft one off - "Lockdown". Ex BC23 #10 "Vagabond" and BC 23 # 54 "Riff Raff"