Swallow Yachts Forum > Sailing and Events

Bala rally


steve jones:
 I notice that the Bala rally clashes with SEAFAIR MILFORD HAVEN, 7-14 June. Does this mean that no Swallow boats will be going to Milford?

Graham W:

Tony said that he was going to go.

The Bala rally is for those that want a sail in company but don't have the time to take part in Seafair.


I am not sure I will be going to Seafair this year. It will be the first one I haven't been to. Combination of time and and other factors keeping me away.



It's a shame Bala and Sea Fair apparently have to clash. Two very different events but equally enjoyable. Lets hope Bala doesn't come up against Le Semaine do Golfe next year. Looking at the calender there are only a few "spare" weekends to fit it all in.


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