Swallow Yachts Association

Swallow Yachts Forum => Sailing and Events => Topic started by: Matthew P on 17 Sep 2015, 22:14

Title: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 17 Sep 2015, 22:14
We must have behaved ourselves this June because we have been invited back by Glenridding Sailing Centre in June 2016.

For info and feedback on the 2015 Ullswater event see Swallow Yachts Association » Swallow Yachts Forum » Sailing and Events » Ullswater 2015.

Does anyone have a preference for a weekend from 10th June onwards?  Points to consider are:

-  How close to Sail Caledonia (28th May - 4th June) - 10th-12th  June could make a good stop-over on the way back from Scotland or it could be more than spouses/partners will tolerate

-  A potential Teifl rally at Cardigan which is constrained by tides.  Gareth, would you like to advise, presuming you are willing to co-ordinate a Teifl rally again?

-  GSC may again have a ceilidh but are not sure yet which weekend.  If the GSC ceilidh coincides with the weekend we choose then they are again kindly inviting us again.  We must have been very well behaved or they must have been enjoying themselves too much to notice.

No commitments required at this point; just your opinions.  There is no guarantee everyone can be satisfied of course but I'll do my best.  May I suggest a cut-off date for everyones' opinions on 31st October so we can fix the diary after that.

BR20 Gladys     
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Anthony Huggett on 19 Sep 2015, 00:08
June looks clear at the moment for us, but we are considering doing the Velaraid, which will take out 2 weekends. There is apparently a clash with Sail Caledonia but I'm not sure if that's because it's the same week or overlapping weekends (which might make scheduling worse).
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: garethrow on 19 Sep 2015, 17:35
Not sure about a Teifi rally next year Matthew

Numbers have been dropping off - I guess because of better  / more convenient rally locations around the UK, so I thought I might give it a miss for a year (there have been 9 on the trott so far) and journey to one or two rallies myself. If there ia a lot of demand my mind could be changed. There is a reasonable tide on the 25th / 26th of June 2016 and another one on the 9th / 10th of July.


Gwennol Teifi S17
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: BobT on 20 Sep 2015, 15:15
June looks good for us and would love to be able to attend Ullswater 2016.

Shame to hear Teifi 2016 may not happen as 2015 was my first raid and a very friendly gathering it was. Kim &  I were looking forward to the next.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: John Perry on 26 Sep 2015, 17:25
Would certainly hope to join in with Ullswater 2016. Preferably 17-19th, but relatively open to other dates that are not occupied by Sail Caledonia.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 28 Sep 2015, 12:58
Thanks John, 17th-19th June looks the best option so far.  It is 2 weeks after Sail Caledonia and leaves the following weeks free for a Teifi rally at Cardigan.  Does anyone have any strong opinions or better ideas?

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Graham W on 28 Sep 2015, 13:41
Possible clash with this one? http://www.seafairhaven.org.uk
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 02 Oct 2015, 10:50
Seafair Haven 11th-18th June looks a good event Graham.  What about 2nd-3rd July for Ullswater?

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Graham W on 02 Oct 2015, 11:22
Looks good to me.  I've got an entry in my diary for a Swallow Boats rally at Mylor (with a questionmark) for that weekend but unless somebody else knows differently, I think that might be a mistake.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: John Perry on 04 Oct 2015, 08:53
2nd July is my home club's (Findhorn) regatta, which would probably trump Ullswater for me. (A great mid summer, whole week event - no, party!). But clearly go with the majority, no worries, there is just too much to do!
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 04 Oct 2015, 23:15
Fixing a date for this feels like navigating through a rock-strewn passage, which  I'm not very skilled at, as Gladys's centre board dents bare witness to :-\.

Three questions:

1) John - when does the Findhorn regatta start and finish please?

2) Gareth - do you think we could we hold the Ullswater event on  25th/26th June and perhaps the Teifi rally, if there is one , on the 9th/10th July?

3) Anyone else interested - please state soon any other events/dates that might conflict. 

I promise that by 30th Oct I will stop shifting about and fix a least-worst date even if it conflicts with something else.

BR20 Gladys

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: garethrow on 05 Oct 2015, 19:45

You are articulating what I was attempting to conclude - namely there is too much on and the calender is too crowded. As I said - interest in the Teifi Rally seems to have reduced over the last couple of years (with thanks / apologies to voiced support from BobT and Michael R), so it seems sensible to give the Teifi rally a miss this year after 10 on the trot. If appetite exists I may try again in 2017.

Hope this helps


Gwennol Teifi S17
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: John Perry on 06 Oct 2015, 22:12
Matthew, The Findhorn Regatta is the Saturday and Sunday, 2nd & 3rd July 2016. The Findhorn Week then runs from Mon 4th through Fri 8th July 2016. I would concur about too full diaries!

Best of luck with the juggling,
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 11 Oct 2015, 12:36
14th-15th May has been confirmed by our hosts at the Glenridding Sailing Centre (GSC).

Mid-May can be a beautiful beautiful time in the Lake District.

These dates seem to fit best with other events I am aware of:

28th May-4th June    Sail Caledonia
11th-18th June         Seafair, Pembrokeshire
25th -26th June        Swallow Yachts Raid Falmouth
2nd - 3rd July           Findhorn Regatta
4th - 8th July            Findhorn Week
9th - 10th July          Teifi Cardigan. Note no meeting yet arranged but there will be suitable tides

To save hauling your boat north, then south and then north again to Scotland it will be possible to park your boat a few weeks at Ullswater.  Please contact GSC for details if you wish to do this.

Please let me know if you might come to Ullswater so I can estimate numbers for GSC. Please use the Form messaging system if you think you will not come.

For info and feedback on the June 2015 Ullswater event  please see http://www.swallowyachtsassociation.org/?page_id=17

Please note skippers will be solely responsible for their own safety, crew, property and money associated with this meeting. 

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Graham W on 11 Oct 2015, 12:54
It's in my diary.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 11 Oct 2015, 14:42
Quote from: Matthew P on 11 Oct 2015, 12:36
14th-15th May has been confirmed by our hosts at the Glenridding Sailing Centre (GSC).

Mid-May can be a beautiful beautiful time in the Lake District.

These dates seem to fit best with other events I am aware of:

28th May-4th June    Sail Caledonia
11th-18th June         Seafair, Pembrokeshire
25th -26th June        Swallow Yachts Raid Falmouth
2nd - 3rd July           Findhorn Regatta
4th - 8th July            Findhorn Week
9th - 10th July          Teifi Cardigan. Note no meeting yet arranged but there will be suitable tides

To save hauling your boat north, then south and then north again to Scotland it will be possible to park your boat a few weeks at Ullswater.  Please contact GSC for details if you wish to do this.

Please let me know if you might come to Ullswater so I can estimate numbers for GSC. Please use the Forum messaging system if you think you will not come.

For info and feedback on the June 2015 Ullswater event  please see http://www.swallowyachtsassociation.org/?page_id=17

Please note skippers will be solely responsible for their own safety, crew, property and money associated with this meeting. 

BR20 Gladys

Thanks Graham!

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: BobT on 11 Oct 2015, 17:36
Date is in the diary :) and hope to have a few extra days before or after to get some walking in or even some more sailing! Anyone else looking to do similar?
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Rory C on 12 Oct 2015, 21:57
I certainly will come if I possibly can.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: jonno on 13 Oct 2015, 10:01
Sorry Matthew, I won't be able to make this weekend.

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: garethrow on 13 Oct 2015, 19:10
Hi Matthew

We are definitely interested in attending for mid May W/E


Garth Rowlands
Gwennol Teifi S17
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Bill Rollo on 14 Oct 2015, 19:07

I would really like to come but am afraid I am a doubtful starter - will need to evade existing commitment! Will try to think of a cunning plan...

Best wishes


Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: John Perry on 25 Nov 2015, 17:07
May 14th & 15th in the diary, and at this point, fully expecting to participate.

Thanks Matthew, best regards...
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Anthony Huggett on 25 Nov 2015, 22:42
It turns out there is a clash with the Velaraid (17-21 May) unless one has 2 or 3 drivers to cross Europe in a day. Google maps says 12 hours from Calais, so if you leave at 2 pm on Sunday and get a midnight ferry it might be doable :-)

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Rory C on 08 Dec 2015, 22:33
I have no idea what the situation is at Glenridding S C where rivers from Helvellyn come down to the lake but I've seen on the local news that the Glenridding Hotel was totally flooded out.
There is a gallery on the Ullswater Yacht Club site http://www.ullswateryachtclub.org that shows the devastation there and the height that the lake reached.
Much can change in 4 months but.......
Rory C
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 09 Dec 2015, 17:09
Fortunately flooding on this week's scale is a rare event at Ullswater and we can expect blue skies, balmy temperatures and fair winds in May! If not we can take solace in the Travellers Rest which unlike the Glenridding Hotel is over a hundred feet above the waterline at Ullswater.

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: BobT on 09 Dec 2015, 21:18
Hi Matthew,
Perhaps a little over organised but accommodation booked and email sent to Glenridding Sailing Centre (before the rain)  as per the directions in the event calendar. Booked to include the week after so hopefully can get some walking in as well.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Anthony Huggett on 21 Dec 2015, 22:51
I've just declared an entry for the Velaraid, so sorry we won't be there at Glenridding - it was an excellent weekend last year and the sailing centre and all the Swallowboaters made us newbies feel very welcome. Of course we are now Swallowyachters, (but "yacht" seems a bit grand for a 17 footer).
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 22 Mar 2016, 22:00
The plucky folk at Glenridding Sailing Centre have emailed me to say they will be open in 2016 and ask if we still plan to attend.  So I said yes!  I feel that not only is Ullswater a great venue but GRSC deserves our support after their tough winter.

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: BobT on 23 Mar 2016, 12:18

Just to confirm still looking to attend, in fact accommodation is booked! I also contacted GRSC, just before the disaster and they were kind enough to get back to me.
Might be a little late but when we are there in May very happy to give some time if they need a pair of hands or two to do some sorting.
Staying on for the follow week to do some walking but also hopefully some sailing would it be OK to store the boat at the club and take her out a couple of times during the week, recognise some payment would be required.

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: John Perry on 24 Mar 2016, 13:10
Just booked accommodation in Glenridding (not much choice, all booked up) for nights of 13th and 14th. Planning to arrive Friday after lunch. Best regards...
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 24 Mar 2016, 14:56
Thanks for the prompt John - I need to know who is coming to tell Glen Ridding Sailing Centre, 12th & 14th May.

Could anyone else who might come let me know?  Please don't bother saying here if you won't though, I only need to know who might come.

Gladys will be equipped with a smart new home-made tent, designed to make BRex owners jealous of her luxurious accommodation, so I'll be camping on the water (but within wading distance of the pub).



Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Graham W on 26 Mar 2016, 11:48
Turaco will arrive 13th, launch 14th.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: BobT on 26 Mar 2016, 13:57

Travel up Fri 13th and would be looking to leave "Escape" at the club on that day if possible.

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 07 Apr 2016, 10:41
Another plug for Ullswater 13th-15th May.

Please let me know if you are coming but don't if you're not, unless you have already said you will. 

Michael is welcome to advise me on the syntax in that!

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Rory C on 07 Apr 2016, 22:20
Hi Matthew,
I certainly plan to be there with one crew camping on board.
I may choose to launch and recover at UYC depending on the weather. Does this cause any problems at Glenridding SC?
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 08 Apr 2016, 09:33
Hi Rory, glad you can join us.  No problem if you launch and recover from UYC.  I expect we will set sail in a not-organised way from Glen Ridding Sailing Centre at about 10am Sat and we can rendezvous with you then or later.  I'm not sure how good mobile phone coverage is so please let me know your plans in advance.


BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: David Hudson on 08 Apr 2016, 10:02
I would confirm that you can launch from UYC. They have recently brought in a new rule about trailer sailers.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 09 Apr 2016, 14:23
There are no problems with rules at Glenridding Sailing Centre and there is a small tractor to help launch boats from trailers.

Will you be coming David?  I hope so.

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: David Hudson on 09 Apr 2016, 14:39
Hello Matthew

Probably not. I am racing Devon Yawls at Beadnell this season.
We now have a fleet of four.

I will be advertising Amy Eleanor towards the end of this month.

Good luck for the event. Ullswater is an interesting and demanding
place to sail and is my most favouritest lake in the Lake District.

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 18 Apr 2016, 19:17
Glenridding Sailing Centre confirm they are ready for us 13th-15th May.

So far I have confirmations from:

Simon Knight
Bob T
Rory C
John Perry
Graham W

All skippers please register and pay fees direct with Glenridding Sailing Centre.

Glenridding Sailing & Activity Centre
The Spit
CA11 0PE

Tel: 017684 82541


GSC fees are £40/day Friday to Sunday, which includes launching and use of facilities. They will also store boats a few days in case you want to leave it there en-route to Scotland.  Cost £10 until Thursday/Friday 19th May.

Glen Ridding Sailing Centre's require people to wear buoyancy aids on and around the water and boats have at least 3rd party insurance.

I shall be arriving about 5pm on Friday. 

I have idly copied the following from last year so if you've seen it before please ignore it.  The www address for the useful map has changed though to:


Neither Gillside Farm on Side Farm accept prior booking, so I'll sleeping under a hedge if they turn out to be exceptionally busy.  Please make your own arrangements. Campsites and B&B can be found at http://www.ullswater.co.uk/camping.html#Watermillock. 


Also please read the Events - READ THIS FIRST post on this forum.

Note I'm not trained, qualified or insured to advise other people on risks for their sailing activities and:

-   I do not know participant's capabilities
-   I do not know how good their equipment is for the conditions
-   I am unwilling to look after other people's money

It is the boat skippers' responsibilities to ensure their boat, crew and behaviour are safe for the conditions on the day.

No rescue boat service is available so it is up to us to look after ourselves and each other.

My unqualified risk assessment is:

Man-eating crocodiles, fire-breathing dragons, fire-quenching hippos, tsunamis, complicated tides and fierce currents are rare on Ullswater. Also rare are super-tankers with crews relying on radar to see your little boat and big catamarans speeding out to service wind farms. 

On the other hand there are rather charming Edwardian lake cruisers (surprisingly fast), unstable dinghies with hydrofoils, lake swimmers, canoes, incompetents in small boats and me in Gladys - all best given a wide berth.   

Some Swallowboats have encountered centreboard-eating rocks but the areas they (mostly) lurk are shown on the map at


and marked in the real world with red-buoys or spindly beacons.  In common with any mountain surrounded water the wind can be playful, so reef early or be ready to swim.  For extra sport there may be a few irate land-owners and Ullswater Sailing Club along some of the shore line – but again those areas are shown on the map. 

If anyone is aware of any other hazards please let everyone else know.

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: BobT on 18 Apr 2016, 20:10

Would you clarify the costs GSC need.  The post says "GSC fees are £40/day Friday to Sunday". Looking at last year I hope you mean £40 for the weekend i.e. Fri pm to Sun pm?

Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 18 Apr 2016, 21:07
Thanks Bob, fees are £40 for Fri pm to Sun pm inclusive.

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Simon Knight on 19 Apr 2016, 14:22

Just confirming that I plan to join the fun on Ullswater and will be bringing Carpe Diem.

best wishes

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 04 May 2016, 07:50
The weather is improving and six boats are now expected at Ullswater 13th-15th May

Bob T
John Perry
Matthew P

Anyone else?

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: BobT on 09 May 2016, 17:50

At the risk of sounding like the enthusiastic new boy we are hoping to arrive between 3 and 5 pm (or later if traffic is unkind). Will we catch you at GSC?

Are there any plans for Fri evening meal and/or the odd beverage?

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 10 May 2016, 04:11
Hello Bob, I will arrive Friday afternoon at about the same time as you. Last year most of us met for a meal on Fri evening at the Travellers Rest Patterdale. This is within walking distance of GRSC and also Gillside Farm where many of us camped.

We look forward to meeting  you.

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: BobT on 10 May 2016, 17:35
Thanks Matthew look forward to meeting the group or should it be flock of Swallows on Fri. Weather still looking good!
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: James Lowden on 11 May 2016, 09:48
Hi all,
Late entry here.
Finally got the act in gear to organise our trip, so will hopefully be joining up on Friday pm.
Campervan into Gillside booked, just waiting for a reply from Glenridding Activity Centre.
Looking forward to meeting up with the 'flock' and cruising around Ullswater.

Jim & Lin
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Graham W on 11 May 2016, 13:07
According to Google, the collective noun for Swallows is a flight or (I don't know why) a gulp.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 11 May 2016, 14:14
Quote from: Graham W on 11 May 2016, 13:07
According to Google, the collective noun for Swallows is a flight or (I don't know why) a gulp.

Since transforming from Swallow Boats to Swallowy-achts I suppose we must be a "gulp".  Better drink to that - see you in the Travellers Rest, Patterdale, Friday evening.


Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: James Lowden on 11 May 2016, 17:12
I'm fully in favour of the 'Gulp' see you in the Travellers Rest.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Matthew P on 13 May 2016, 08:57
The weather looks good, we have 7 boats so far and its not too late for more to join us.

BR20 Gladys
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: Graham W on 17 May 2016, 17:49
I only managed to stay at Ullswater for a day before having to go home to look for a missing dog.  She was eventually found after four days, looking none the worse for her adventure.

Here are my few photos from day 1, when there was actually some wind.  I understand that this wasn't the case on day 2. https://www.flickr.com/gp/80529710@N07/1PX9E3
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: James Lowden on 19 May 2016, 18:48
Thanks all for the organisation. We had a really great time. Sunshine, wind(2nd day perhaps not enough but hey its never perfect) and great company. Thanks to Mathew for being the responsible(nearly) adult and being the focal point. We took another day off on Monday and travelled to Ambleside & Grasmere. Thank you to TomTom for taking us on the cut across that missed out Windermere. That road was amazing, though I wouldn't like to take a caravan or boat across there, those narrow windy roads with stone walls either side were mildly terrifying as it was.
Finally got my photos organised. Still have to unpack!!!!!

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: BobT on 20 May 2016, 17:11
Kim and I had a great weekend sailing in good company. Our photos are at the following link:


We stayed on after the weekend and had some good walking in the Ullswater area and another sail in a good wind where we were on jib and double reefed main for most of the day. We got to just short of Ullswater Sailing Club before turning for home and stopped for lunch at the same place as the Sunday stop.

Our thanks to Matthew for making it happen and to Graham for the provision of a critical spare part and to all the others there for being so welcoming.  I hope we can "gulp" together again.
Bob & Kim

Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: John Perry on 23 May 2016, 19:05
Excellent weekend! Adele and I really enjoyed it and Glenridding Sailing Centre is such a gem. I have updated Moireach's blog; http://moireach.perryweb.me.uk and there are some pictures included. Where on Flickr should I put higher quality and more pictures?

Cheers for now, John.
Title: Re: Ullswater 2016
Post by: John Perry on 14 Jun 2016, 09:40
Some pictures from our weekend at Ullswater...