Contributing to the web site

Started by Jonathan Stuart, 18 Nov 2012, 23:32

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Jonathan Stuart

Thanks, Rob, I'll take a look at your account.

Saturday night was very cold in the BRe and we had ice on the inside of the cabin! I was fine inside my sleeping bag but woke up early with an extremely cold nose. It was good to see the sun's rays finally coming through the gap in the washboards. However, the cold was worth it because I was walking by Rutland Water by 07:30 watching mist on the still waters with no-one else around. Sorry we didn't get to say goodbye on Sunday but we got on the water early and had to leave at lunchtime to get back to Dorset in good time.

Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Jonathan Stuart


I have realised what the problem is. You are looking at the wrong "Gallery" menu! When logged on to the site there should be a black menu bar for administration activities at the very top of the web page, that is above the image of the Storms sailing. See the screenshot attached to this post and it shows the menu bar and Gallery menu I am talking about.

If you logon to the web site via the username/password boxes on the homepage then this menu bar should appear immediately. However, if you logon via the "Login" link on the Forum page then this admin menu won't appear until you go to another page of the web site.

Either way, if you have logged on to the web site and this black menu bar hasn't appeared then navigate to another page and the refresh should force the menu to appear. If it still isn't there then go to yet another page and in my experience that always forces the menu to appear. I'm not sure why it sometimes takes a second page navigation to force the menu to appear, but it reliably does after 1-2 navigation actions so this isn't a major issue.

Hopefully that helps but let me know if you still have problems.


Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Jonathan Stuart

After writing my last post, it occurred to me that Rob's got a point...after all, why do we have two menus? This is a feature of the software that runs this site but it isn't very intuitive. I think I can add all of the links from the top, admin, menu to the lower menu, e.g. so we have links to upload photos, etc, under the lower Gallery menu and a link to add a Library article under the Library menu. I will try to do this and if I succeed then I will turn off the top menu.

Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Jonathan Stuart

I've made the changes I mentioned in the last post and now the menus to contribute to the Library and Gallery are on the main menu. As such the top admin menu/toolbar has now been removed.

Please let me know if you find any issues or if I have managed to add to the confusion with all these changes!

Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Rob Johnstone

Perhaps you might like to add the following to the list of links:

It's the link to my blog about going round Britain in my BC 23.


Rob Johnstone
Rob J
Matt Newland designed but self built 15ft one off - "Lockdown". Ex BC23 #10 "Vagabond" and BC 23 # 54 "Riff Raff"

Jonathan Stuart


I've just checked and I'm pleased to say the link is already there, in the "Social Media & Blogs" section.


Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Rob Johnstone

foot in mouth again!

Rob J
Matt Newland designed but self built 15ft one off - "Lockdown". Ex BC23 #10 "Vagabond" and BC 23 # 54 "Riff Raff"

Rory C

Help please!
I've just posted a rather long account of a repair I had to do on my BRe centreboard. I've attached 6 photos to help illustrate but when I click on each I only get to see a tiny segment of the shot which only confuses. What am I missing?

Graham W

I think your photos may be too high definition.  If you can find a way of reducing the number of pixels and the file size of each photo to less than 100 KB, then cancel the old ones and re-post the small versions, that should fix it.

I can tell you how to reduce photo file size with an Apple computer but most people seem to use Microsoft.
Gunter-rigged GRP BR20 No.59 'Turaco III'

Andy Dingle


If you use windows there is a very useful free program I have used for years.

Great for the general display and manipulation of image files in all formats, can also play video and audio files also in just about any format. Loads of 'plugins' available for it too. Have a look at their website.

When saving jpg files it will give you the option, with a little slide bar, to lower the pixel rate - with a subsequent loss of quality, which makes it ideal for lowering the pixel rate for publication on the web.

Hope this helps.


Rory C

Many thanks Graham and Andy, I'll see what I can do. Rory

Michael Rogers

Jonathan, on another thread I recently (2 -3 weeks ago) mentioned penning something short-ish to go, possibly, in the Library. And tried to go through the correct motions. Nothing has resulted (in the Library) so far, which could be because a) I'm being impatient, b) the relevant moderator (yourself?) is a busy man (I'm sure you are) and hasn't got round to it, c) said person doesn't think my contribution is up to The Mark (absolutely fair enough), d) I went about it the wrong way.

Explanation (d) is the likeliest. I re-visited, and was reminded that, first time round, a message came up on the screen, to wit - 'Block UI requires Query v1.2.3 or later! You are using v1.11.2.' Not having the first idea what this meant, I carried on regardless, which probably explains the subsequent Nothing.

Could you please decipher this message to a bear of exceedingly little IT brain? I tried to find 'Query' on my computer without success, and I've never heard of it (which means v little). I'm a Mac man, by the way, in case that makes a difference.

Thanks.          Michael R

Jonathan Stuart


You had done this correctly and the article was waiting on approval. In my defense, I hadn't received an email from the website informing me there was an article to approve and it wasn't showing as requiring approval on the Wordpress dashboard. But I've found it and approved it now.

You can ignore the "Block UI requires Query v1.2.3 or later" message. I don't fully understand what's causing this but I need to upgrade various parts of the website - a winter job - and hopefully that will fix this.


Ex - BayCruiser 26 #11 "Bagpuss"
Ex - BayRaider Expedition #3 "Mallory"

Michael Rogers

Thanks, Jonathan.
'You needn't bother about...' is what I like to be told on IT matters!



Is the gallery available in any way? I am in the process of rigging my BayRaider which has been changed from the norm in a number of ways and I have been searching for photos that show rigging detail.

Ian (BR20 Rum Hart)
