Ullswater 2015

Started by Matthew P, 16 Jun 2014, 17:53

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Matthew P

Graham suggested 13-14 June for an Ullswater Rally for 2015 because next year Gulf de Morbihan is 11-17 May and SailCaledonia is 23-30 May and postponing a Bala rally to later in the Summer. 

Following Rory's suggestion I asked Ullswater Sailing Club and they can host the SB rally on 13-14 June if we sign-up for it soon. Ullswater SC offered a 20% discount if more than 10 boats attend, so visitor fees will be:

Visitor Fees- Temporary Membership

Daily £12.80 (per family/couple), £8.80 (individual)
Monday-Friday or Friday to Monday £32 (per family/couple), £20.80 (individual)
Weekly (7 days) £56 (per family/couple), £40 (individual)

Camping fees per night

1. Small tent that you cannot stand up in £8
2. Medium Tent no more then four people £12
3. Large Tent/trailer tent 5+ persons £16
4. Motor home/camper van 2 axle £16
5. Large motor home 3 axle £20

As a group  we would receive free  parking for boats and trailers and use of the slipways and jetty's. Access to the clubhouse at all times for showers, members kitchen and socialising. Kitchen/bar is open for meals Friday nights, all day Saturday (from 8 30 am) including an evening meal and Sunday until 6 pm.
On the Saturday they can either provide a meal of our choice and our own room that can seat 30 people or tag onto the social programme in the main Clubhouse.

Looks a good deal! Is anyone provisionally interested? – no commitment just an intention.

Gladys BR20
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter

Graham W

I'm in.  I'll probably be in a b&b.

Michael Rogers

Definite intention.

Rory C

 :( Unfortunately I'm probably committed for the Friday and Saturday but it's quite likely that Gobhlan-G will be there as I will encourage my crew (who mostly sailed the boat on the Saturday this year) to join in and if so I will probably take a week's temp membership and sail on the Sunday and some of the following week.
Rory C.


... anyone provisionally interested? – no commitment just an intention.

Yes please.  Thanks for organising this, Matthew.


Andy Dingle

Quite fancy that too Matthew - but do you know if I can kip on the boat on a pontoon/anchored if I promise to behave myself..?

Andy .. (with new BC23..)


Possibly Matthew - depends on when the Teif Rally falls (if there is any deamnd for it). June is the month I aim for if there is a good tide in the month.


Gwennol Teifi S17

Bill Rollo

Dear Matthew

as definite as anything at this distance! Will contact you separately over how you got on in Scotland.

Best wishes


Matthew P

Quite a flurry of interest - 7 brave boats for next year already; thank you. 

Hopefully many of us will meet at the Teifi Rally this 12-14 Sept, as well.

I've asked Ullswater SC about sleeping aboard Andy, I'll post the response as soon as I get one.

I'm at Rutland today and Monday, ballasted and well reefed probably.

BR20 Gladys
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter

David Hudson

If you are looking for a good b&b near the yacht club, you won't find better than the Sun Inn in Pooley Bridge.

The owners are hands on and the staff very friendly. All bedrooms have been refurbished and the breakfast is fantastic.

Nic and I stay whenever we are over on Ullswater.

Their website is  http://suninnpooleybridge.co.uk
David H.
BRe No. 35
"Amy Eleanor" (and the dangerous brothers)

Reg Barker

Hi Matthew,
I will attend next year. Add to the boat list.
BRe #11 Alice Amy

John Perry

Matthew, please add me to the list. Will probably take a camping option in some form!

Best regards, John Perry
Bay Raider Expedition 030, "Moireach"

Rob Waller

Hello, I'd like come  to this. Please count me in with BRe Escape. I'll be in a B & B.


Me too! (Assuming no other commitments rear their ugly heads.)
Prefer to sleep aboard - if a showerblock is available - either on the pontoon (for choice) or on a level bit of the dinghy park. Otherwise camping.
Tony:   CBL#1 "Four Sisters"

Matthew P

Ullswater Sailing Club confirmed today that potty trained crew may sleep aboard.  I would be surprised if showers are not available in the clubhouse, otherwise it may be an occaision for an Ice Bucket Challenge.

Great to have you along Tony!

BR20 Gladys
"Hilda", CLC Northeast[er], home build, epoxy ply, balanced lug
Previously "Tarika", BR17, yard built, epoxy-ply, gunter rigged
and "Gladys" BR20, GRP, gunter